SBI High School Modules

The Modules produced by the SBI Institute have been developed by trained educators so that they will fit seamlessly into your current process.

Programs Objectives Content Instructional Strategies Program Duration (hrs) Target
High School Survival Provide high school students with strategies for success through grades 9-12 Dealing with relationships with peers, adults and family, prioritizing and managing workload, influences (teachers, counselors, mentors), accountability, and extracurricular activities (*) Real life scenarios, peer to peer talk with facilitation, interactive instruction, culminating project, reflection 3 hours 9, 10, 11, 12 grades
Planning for your career after high school Provide individualized career path options, techniques and solutions geared towards life after high school. Understanding and learning individual career options, skills inventories, dress for success, speaking, career mentoring methods for HS, resume writing and interviewing. Instruction, research, career videos, role play, mentor matching within specific careers 3 hours 10,11,12 grades
Selecting Mentors Expectations and methods for selecting mentors to guide individuals throughout the career selection process and beyond. Understanding the relationship of a mentor. How to select mentors throughout HS and career. What to expect from mentors, and your role of a mentee. Interactive instructions, scenarios with role play, research. 2 hours 10.11.12 grades
Managing your value systems Provides the student with opportunity to enhance, define, clarify or establish the traits and characteristics important individually for career. This will be an inside-out approach to the students and their value system.  Core Individual Values, School, Social Issues and potential career will be the focus. Interactive instruction, scenarios with role play, assessments, reflection methods. 2 hours 9,10,11, 12 grades.  Each grade will have a focus conducive to year.
Developing Goals Provides the student with a goal setting method and a system for them to measure their success. Student will learn practical methods of developing individualized goals with a method to manage progress during their HS tenure and career. Direct instruction, survey, interactive tools. 3 hours 9, 10,11, 12, grades
Confidence and self-esteem building Established objectives that will enhance the self-esteem and confidence of the students. Students will learn positive thinking methods and actions, dealing w/others, expressing your feelings, valuing others, highlighting strengths, peer pressure, and critical thinking tools. Interactive instruction, peer to peer talk, scenarios with role play, presentations, reflection 2 hours 9,10,11,12, grades
Study skills and work habits Develop the skills required the student develops a structured process of studying and doing work. A method of planning and organization of workloads and developing study strategies that are geared to better prepare the student for success. Interactive role play, prioritization strategies, goal setting, instruction. 2 hours 9, 10, 11, 12